Portable and "wearable" computers, according to designers, are supposed to enhance the human experience. Like science fiction cyborgs with a fitting over one eye, the user goes through the world with "augmented reality," being…
Sometimes when seeing a patient in the Emergency Department, I discover the kid isn't vaccinated. The parents often say "I researched it" when explaining why they don't vaccinate. When I hear the word "research," I picture…
This week's guest columnists are Drs. Ravi Alagugurusamy and Aaron Foster, Family Practice residents at the University Hospital and Clinics here in Lafayette. The wild west was plenty dangerous: prostitution, stage coach robbery,…
It was 1990, my second year of residency. I was in Emergency seeing a boy with swollen left eyelids. I explained to his mom that he could have an infection that sometimes spreads into the eye socket, and the boy "might need a CT…
In 2008, New York City mom Lenore Skenazy was shopping with her 9 year-old son. They rode the subway, and that day he begged her to let him ride home alone. Ms. Skenazy decided it was time for some independence and let him. He …
I was checking out The Running of the Bulls on the internet yesterday. If you haven't heard, that's a festival in Pamplona, Spain where they set bulls loose in the streets of the city. Thrill-seekers get chased by the bulls, and…